Charlotte is just starting to really try to use her sign language with us. We have been using some sign language with her for the past couple months, just to see if it really would work. She definitely understands almost all of the signs that we are using with her, but until now, most of the the signs she's been using have seemed more like they were more "accidental" or unconsciously being used.
At mealtimes, she is using the sign for "more" consistently, and attempting the sign for "drink" and "all-done!" She has used the sign for "eat," to tell us she wanted to have dinner with us. Now that she's realizing that she can actually affect her world with her hands, she seems to be getting a little more into it.
Her very first sign came at 7 months old, when

she used the sign for "cat" while I was changing her diaper and she heard Celeste walk by (the cat wears a little tinkerbell). She also understands the signs for light, fan, ball, where, bath, music and help. It will be interesting to see how much we actually use this with her in the future. It is supposed to help babies communicate with you before they can speak... we'll see if it helps Charlotte.
Here she is, looking over the top of the safety gate we have on the doorway to the living room. You can see what she wants, just by looking at her eyes!
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