Charlotte had her 9-month checkup yesterday with Dr. O'. Here are her stats:
Weight: 17 pounds, 4 ounces (25th percentile)
Height: 27-3/4" (80th percentile)
Head circumference: continues to be off the charts (105th percentile)... she is one smart baby! :)
Teeth: 2 on the bottom, working on 2 on the top
Gross motor skills: Crawls, pulls to stand, stands without hands for several seconds, then sits back down and pulls herself up again. She cruises along the furniture, and is just starting to realize that she's using her feet to "walk"... she seems unafraid of falling down. She also enjoys pulling things out of boxes, cupboards, plastic tubs... she's making a bigger mess than we are now! This morning, she dumped herself face-first into the toy box, and I had to run and rescue her... feet kicking. She went right back over to try it again, of course!
Language: Says "Da-da-da" and "Ma-ma-ma," although it seems to be da-da when she's happy, and ma-ma when she's distressed... hmmm! She also tries to say kitty, but it sounds more like "iddah," and so quiet you can hardly hear it. She attempts "all-done" at the table, too. She hasn't been signing as much this week, but I think it's because she's been concentrating on her gross motor skills so much.
Fine motor skills: Picking up every teeny tiny piece of lint or paper that she can find on the floor, shredding paper napkins with glee, and she just started trying to snap her fingers (this gets the kitty to appear out of nowhere).
The doctor said she is thriving and developing very well. Her gross motor, fine motor, language and social development is right on track; he said she is doing "awesome," and that "she's a very precocious little girl." After the doctor got done inspecting her, she started waving bye-bye to him. He thought that was pretty funny, like she was asking him to leave. She really does have quite the personality.
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