Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Quick Note

I have a lot of catching up to do! Charlotte is now a year old... WOW that went by quickly! I have lots of pictures and stories to add to the blog, but need to start finding the time to post again. Before I forget this one, I just have to make a note of it...

(background): We have been using some sign language with Charlotte since she turned 6 months old. She started really signing back at 10 months, and has been going through a "language explosion" for the past couple of weeks. She is using new signs, words and sound effects every day. Last time I counted, her "vocabulary" is now up to about 30 words/concepts.

One of the concepts that she has shown lots of interest in, is the potty. We got her a potty chair about a month ago, and she loves to take it apart and put her toys in it. We have also had surprising success at "catching" some pees and poops, when I put her on the potty after meals and upon waking. She also likes to use it on the big toilet, and we sit and read one of her favorite books together (she signs the things she sees in the books... very cute).

We were all in the living room this evening, and Christopher and I were talking while Charlotte played with a toy on the floor between us. Suddenly, she stopped and looked at us, and started to sign "potty." Christopher noticed it first, and I scooped her up and brought her to the bathroom. She sat on the big potty and made a big poop. It was quite a shock, to say the least! Usually, she will only sign "potty" when we bring it up... but for her to stop playing and TELL us that she needed to go... that was pretty amazing.

I know this doesn't mean that she's going to be potty-trained at 12 or 13 months, but I'm happy for every diaper I don't have to wash. She's quite an amazing kid! Thanks to Sarah, for the potty idea and the link to elimination communication... I think it's working, even if it's still hit and miss! And you can tell that Charlotte is so proud when we succeed at potty time. What could be better, than seeing that look on her face?

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