I have some more pictures and stories to tell, but we had a small incident with my laptop, in which the power cord caught on fire... guess I was typing too fast! :) So until the new (special order, of course) power cord comes in the mail, I'll be borrowing Christopher's computer when he can spare it.
Lots of new things are happening, and Charlotte seems to be changing every day. She has been dubbed "the smiliest baby in the world," by our friends' son, Ethan Machida, because she is (almost) always ready to socialize and meet new people. I do try to only take her out in public when she's in good spirits, so this also helps her reputation... but everyone at our local grocery store really loves to see her come in.
This week, she learned to wave and say "haaaaa!" to people, when they wave and say hello to her. It is so cute! I want to try to capture it on video before she stops doing it. It's funny--I used to think I'd always remember what she did and when she did it (how could I forget?), but now I realize how fast time flies by. Even though I want to hang onto every precious moment, I have to be prepared for tomorrow, when everything changes once again, and she's amazing and challenging me all over again!
Val...Charlotte looks like she is breast feeding her baby.....
Dear Valerie,
I just noticed the comments you left me last month. Sorry I'm terrible about keeping up with that stuff. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm feeling much better right now. I can sympathize with the yeast infection issue...Liam has been on A LOT of antibiotics. We've had several yeast overgrowths as a result and it's SUPER ouchy! See my post from March 23rd.
I also wanted to say that your pictures of Charlotte are so beautiful (as always). She looks like such a happy little girl!
We miss you guys,
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