Friday, June 15, 2007

A Growing Vocabulary

Charlotte is having a great time exploring her world, and learning to tell us about what she's thinking about. She's still taking her baths in our big kitchen sink, and loving every minute of it. These pictures show her having fun with her toys, and hamming it up for the camera... you can't tell she's been practicing!

She loves to play with her rubber duck, and some Tupperware gadgets. She's always discovering something new.

We've been using some sign language with her for the past few months, and she definitely understands what we're saying to her. She will use a sign every once in a while, but we've been waiting for her to really start signing back. We have noticed some big changes this week.

She started signing "fan" at our neighbor's house, and hasn't stopped since. Every time she sees a ceiling fan, she uses it, and she's now figured out that there are other kinds of fans too. Since it's been so hot, we have several fans going around the house, so she always has a fan to talk to us about. She will twirl her little hand in the air, and blow with her lips.

Now that she sees how we respond to her signing, she's starting to actually use more signs. She will use the sign for milk when she wants to nurse, "all done" when she wants to get out of her feeding chair (also sometimes says "ah-dah" at the same time). She's working on the sign for "drink," when she wants her water cup, and sometimes remembers to use the sign for "more," although she does resort to verbalizing frustration quite a bit too.

We were outside this evening, checking on our flowers and tomatoes, when we heard some particularly noisy crows about a block away. I started talking to her about them, and showing her the sign for bird (index finger and thumb moving like a bird's beak). She started doing it right along with me! It was actually more of a modified version of the way she tries to snap her fingers, but she definitely knew what she was saying. We walked around the neighborhood, looking at birds on telephone wires, in yards, flying all around and singing. She kept signing "bird," and looking at them... it was so much fun. Then we saw a big dog sleeping in his yard, and she did her "oof oof" bark.

Although it has it's challenges, life with Charlotte is exciting and entertaining every day. I can't believe how fast my little baby is growing up. She is just a delight!

Can you tell we are proud parents?? :) I have found a new feature that I can include in our blog, to share more pictures... a slide show! When you run your mouse over the picture below, you should see a bar appear across the bottom, allowing you to scroll through the pictures, or push play and watch them change. It stops automatically at the end of the "roll." CLICK HERE if the slide show doesn't work, and you still want to see more pictures.

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